How can I convey the oscillating frequency of eco-anxiety, of grief, of serendipity and awe? The unseen opens up the possibility
of speculative futures, of creating fissures in what is considered fact.

An Experiment in Feeling was shot at the Nuclear History Museum in Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2020. A survey of the unsettling tension and haunting in the curration and
representation of this pivotal moment in history.
Research for video-installation: Resonant U and the Other Unseen.
Music by Moon Dog, "All is Loneliness"
Resonant U and the Other Unseen is a work that engages audiences in their responsibility to the unseen. Through a living, interdisciplinary,
immersive video experience, it explores the haunting metaphors and histories embedded in uranium and the atomic age.
representation of this pivotal moment in history.
Research for video-installation: Resonant U and the Other Unseen.
Music by Moon Dog, "All is Loneliness"
Resonant U and the Other Unseen is a work that engages audiences in their responsibility to the unseen. Through a living, interdisciplinary,
immersive video experience, it explores the haunting metaphors and histories embedded in uranium and the atomic age.